Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Plip, Plop, Don't Stop

Plip, plop, don't stop, sweetly falling rain. The trees reach thirstily up for you - see how they strive? Like lovers reaching for their heart's desire, they stretch their arms wide and welcome your soft, shivery kisses down their length.

Plip, plop, don't stop, sweetly falling rain. The flowers shimmy under your soft caress, shake out their skirts and arrange the drops just so, diamonds and pearls catching grey light and making it shine.

Plip, plop, don't stop, sweetly falling rain. The earth, once cracked, dry, haggard, is swelling from your attentions, preparing for burgeoning growth, ready to cry out "Yes!" with a burst of color, exuberance, life. She is young, soft, pliant once more, and delights in your gentle ministrations.

Plip, plop, don't stop...


Laurie said...

Kyddryn, The rain usually makes me blue and if I'm already depressed, it's even worse, but this post is so lovely that you've made me look at it another way. Of course here in the Northeast, there is no gentle rain yet - just driving needles of winter fury. Soon....

I'm so glad the owl came back! And I hope you get a chance to get away and dance under the stars. What a wonderful image for me to hold in my head all day.

RachelW said...

Such a lovely, soothing rhythm. It makes me think of warm-weather rain, and humidity, like a coastal rainforest.

Kyddryn said...

Laurie, welcome! I'm always depressed to one degree or another...and so I try very hard to remind myself that everything is beautiful if only I can find a way to see it so. I grew up in New England - RI, NH, Mass - and I remember well the dark, grey, days when it seemed everyone else had spring. Despite that, I miss "up there".

Rachel, it's a wee chilly, but it's not so bad I didn't take the Evil Genius out for some puddle stomping fun yesterday! That's what hot baths are for...