Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To go or not to go...

Ugh. Scratchy throat. Nose running like faucet. Today is a gym day - but I am thinking I may not go. I don't feel too awful, but I have no idea if I'm contagious - so do I go get in one workout before whatever I have flattens me, or do I wait and just go after it's run its course?

I'm thinking I won't be going - Bird is still coughing and I don't want to expose him to childcare or vice versa. Sigh. I guess it'll be a "doze cuddled in the chair" kind of day. Maybe I can go this afternoon, when T gets home from work...

Nothing like a new convert, huh?


RachelW said...

You're right, you should not go to the gym with a drippy nose and a scratchy throat. Instead, you should jog, oh, say 10 km. That will jar the cold bug out of your body. Right? ;)

foolery said...

Yeah, I'm sure you're contagious right now (unless it's allergies), so stay home and rest. Hope you feel better.

Aunt Becky said...

Oh, how I heart the gym. I've been felled by a bug and have been itching to get back there.

Mayhap tomorrow I shall go and sweat again.

Kyddryn said...

I decided not to go, hoping that tomorrow I'll feel better. Right now, my glands feel swollen and swallowing has been...interesting...all day. The Evil Genius is feeling better - currently serenading his daddy with one of his trademarked concerts at top volume. T is just thrilled.