Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I never got tagged this much in school...

Foolery tagged me for another meme, which made a nice distraction from my irritation. The object is to describe one's self in six words. It prompted a bit of introspection and something of a Haiku frame of mind, and I ended up doing more than the six Foolery did. Overachiever, me.

Me, in six words (eight times):

Filled with sorrow, filled with song.

Blue hair, blue clothes, blue notes.

Witch who doesn't curse, just blesses.

Anchored in past, looking to future.

Powerful words building visions with abandon.

Each living day is a victory.

Loves animals, loves plants, loves all.

Earth, Air, Fire Water, Spirit, Song.

Now, Foolery only tagged me - hmm, should I feel special in a good way, or the short bus way? - but I think I'll tag three. Again with the overachieving. I tag Kit and maybe, umm...heh...Luci, and of course, Michelle, because I actually know them all and none of them have enough to do. Heh.

Hey, don't be sad - if you want to take part, too, just consider yourself tagged!

*Edit - I forgot one that was inspired by Foolery's - I have a fifty acre ass.



Bob Cleveland said...

OK, I think the best six words about me would be....


foolery said...

I knew I tagged the right person! It was either you or Bob, up here, and Bob was gonna come through anyway. Nice job, as I knew it would be.

And I started to post a comment on your "Moment" post but I somehow surfed away (DUHH), so being inherently lazy I'll post it here: I know just how you feel about most of what was under your skin. I hope you feel better. Maybe you should print it out and post it in your kitchen for a few days?

Kyddryn said...

It was fun. I am hoping the three I tagged do it, but two have kids (one boy and three boys) and two have jobs (and the third has three boys) so I won't be holding my breath.

As for the rant, well - partly, that was neurons misfiring, and partly it was an ongoing frustration - I am the only human female in a house full of males. They're all children, even though two of them are well past forty. One of these days I'll get one of them raised right. Guess which one?? :-)