Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Boys. They're such a funny lot. Always getting into things...
I don't recall planting that there...
They're always hungry, too...always looking for another meal or snack...
"Mmm...I smell banana bread. Do I like banana bread? Who cares? I'm hungry!"
They've got a flare for the dramatic, too...
"I'm staaaaarving...faint...weak...so...hungry..."
If they get hungry enough, they might even eat their greens.
"Do you see what I've come to? The salad bar!"
They'll eat anything on a dare.
"Mmmm, tastes like chicken!"
They love to wrestle...
"I can take you with one paw tied behind my back!"
...and make friends...
"Hey, yo, wassup?"
And nothing, but nothing, can top a good scratch!
"Ungh, grunt, scritch..."


Cindy said...

This was very cute, reminds me of how much I like little kittens and I loved the one with him sleeping in your herbs. have a great day.

Holly said...

I'm so allergic to cats it's not even funny. Yet, if I wasn't I'd want them in my home.

This little guy is so very cute, especially now when he's in his blue-eyed stage. I hope you're able to find a good home for him.

Meantime, thanks for sharing him with all of us.

HermitJim said...

If I had room at my zoo, I'd take him in a heartbeat!

The roomies might eventually get used to him!

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Tastes more like Morning Glory...

Momlady said...


Kyddryn said...

Cinner, thanks - these kittens are just too cute, and the little grey one seems to think he belongs to me - he loves to lick my foot or hand, be held and pet, and is very playful. Now, if only I could find him a home...

Mizz Holly, I feel your pain - 'm allergic to all animals...but I've never let triffling things like a need to breathe and desire not to have itchy eyes get in the way.

Mister Hermit, sir, just say the word and I'll bring him to you - I know where you live! :-)

Cygnus, Sir...I have absolutely nothing to add to that.

Mum...they are...