Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Monday, October 18, 2010

While the Swan Was Away

While Someone was out of town, I tried not to miss him too much. Yeah, no luck with that...

So I did the next best thing...tried to keep busy. Success.

He left last Tuesday. I spent the day in a sleepy fog, alternately cleaning house and sewing for my friend PJ. Tuesday night was...interesting...and largely sleepless.

Wednesday alternated between sewing for PJ and fielding phone calls from several quarters regarding the truck and its repair.

Wednesday evening was an early-ish nigh for me...I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Thursday was more sewing and then a jaunt down to Borders where Bird and I spent some quality time together. To bed early again.

Friday involved more physical labor, with the last bit of sewing and then a fair amount of lifting and hauling - I needed to load up the van with my yard sale junk priceless heirlooms and fantastic bargains so I could haul it all to the sale location (M's house - she gets better traffic than we do here at Casa de Crazy), unload it, and get it priced. Four years' worth of little boy clothing...groan. Got home quite late, went to bed even later.

Saturday we were up well before the sun and out the door - about an hour's drive to M's house and I still had items to price and we had to get the sale set up. Whew. I'm thinking about starting a petition to banish five-o'clock in the morning. Anyone else want in?? The yard sale went fine...I didn't sell a lot, so Goodwill made out like a bandit. People behave oddly at yard sales - if I ever wanted to write a paper on human behavior, I would visit yard sales and have material a-plenty! By the way...I am apparently unreasonable because I wasn't willing to sell my hardcover books for a quarter. Look, I know people buy books and re-sell them on Amazon or eBay for a nice profit...I just want' having any of it. A buck for a best-seller isn't asking too much, and I'd just as soon let Goodwill make the ducats from reselling. Home middling early, to bed early.

Sunday, up early again. M brought her little guy over so she could watch Bird while I went to a mask making workshop with Mum. It was lovely...Bird got to go hiking around the norther n part of the state and I got to go share some creative space with Mum and a whole bunch of other artistic ladies. We haven't had that kind of time together in a while, and I sure did enjoy myself. Sunday evening, I tried to wait up for Someone, who left Ohio late in the afternoon. I couldn't, though...so I went to bed and slept off and on until he got home in the wee hours.

Today has been about catching up with ourselves and the mundane world. Tomorrow it's back to sewing, doctor's appointments, more sewing...and Someone is out of town for the weekend again, this time helping PJ with a show while I work here at the track...but at least I'll be too tired and distracted to miss him...much...

I thought Autumn was supposed to be a time of slowing down...

1 comment:

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

yea. i don' miss you much when i'm busy either.
Ready to go to that Arizona oceanfront property?