Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The following are some sites I've stumbled across (or been directed to) that are fun, interesting, and may even be a little educational. What else were you going to do at work today?

A magical Childhood

Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics

Post Secret

Project Vote Smart

The Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the United States

The Declaration of Independence

World Naked Bike Ride

Just Cause(s)

I'm not wealthy - in fact, I'm often in the hole when it comes to available funds - but at least once a year I find a way to donate a little something to as many of these causes as I can. You're welcome to join me.

Any Soldier - Want to send your support to a Soldier in harm's way, but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it?

CHOA - Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, formerly Scottish Rite and Eggleston. They do good work, often depsite a patient's inability to pay. I have donated more time to them than to any other cause.

Heifer International - Help end hunger domestically and abroad with a program that doesn't just hand out food - it teaches people how to sustain themselves and pass the gift on to others.

Hopeline - A suicide hotline that has done a lot of good. I've never needed them...but others have, and I'm glad they're here.

My House - My House's foremost objective is caring for children who have special medical problems and do not have a family to care for them.

NILMDTS - This one both uplifts and breaks my heart. I weep that there is a need for the service, and I rejoice that anyone would be so kind as to provide it. I can't begin to describe...go see...

Project Gratitude - Project Gratitude provides Chaplains back from overseas deployment and their families with a brief 3 day “R & R” respite in Tampa, Florida. This program is to honor and benefit National Guard, Reserve, and Active Duty Chaplains, recently back from a 6 to 12 month tour in Iraq or Afghanistan, and their families. Project Gratitude is a small “thank you” to these Chaplains for their service and sacrifice for God and Country.

Troop BeBop - I know this woman. She's a force of nature. She works hard to support our troops, often out of her own pocket.

Wellstar Hospice - I can't say enough about the good work they do.

The Variety Plate

Below are links to posts I've written about the Variety Plate. What's that, you ask? Well, when we were going through the build-a-life buffet, when it came to mental illness I ordered the variety plate. These are posts attempting to explain how I experience and/or deal with (or not) mental illness and its attendant festivities. Whee.


More on Depression


