Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ugh, Whew, Mmmm

I just finished cleaning the downstairs bathroom. Big deal,right? Well, yeah, kinda. Remember at the and of May, when our septic system decided to choke on itself and backed up into the house? No? Lucky you.

Anyway, the downstairs bathroom bore the brunt of the back-up. Today I finally had time to go down there and give it a good scrubing. Ick. And bleh. And ugh.

It looks like a new bathroom, now, and I need a vacation.

I am almost caught up with dishes and laundry after our trip. Whew.

Tomorrow we're going to a pool party at a friend's, our Independence Day tradition. I will spend the rest of today baking brownies - double-double Ghiradelli brownies with fudge icing - and cutting fruit for a salad. There will probably be a nap thrown in there for good measure. I can think of worse ways to spend the afternoon. Mmmm, brownies...


HermitJim said...

Have to admt, brownies do sound good! Heck, a pool party sounds pretty good right now as well!

Maybe I should come to Georgia!

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

With a title like that, I can suggest better wasy to spend the afternoon, as well.m Bring that brownie icing here, my Flower...