Quote of the day...er...week...umm...hey, look, a quote!!

"...besides love, independence of thought is the greatest gift an adult can give a child." - Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One

For old quotes, look here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

No Way

I was coming back in from the garage and opened a box on a whim.

Me: "Oh. My. God."
Someone: "No way. You're kidding."
Me: "I'm so not..."

And into the house I came, because...yeah...

See that box?
The grey one, there?
Yeah, that one.

Guess what's in it?

Go on, guess.

No, not a body. I'd hide it better.

This box we looked through several times, each of us. While he was looking, Someone carefully emptied each box to thoroughly search it.

So how come we found this?:
Let me help you out, a little.

Here would be the coffee pot and the one-burner:
And here would be my beloved nesting pots:
There were other things, but those were the main missing items.

Damn faeries...must have heard me thinking about hiring an exterminator and hosing the Casa down with faerie repellent.

Oh, well...at least now we can make coffee. I wonder if they realized they went too far, stealing Someone's Java supplies. Some things a man won't take lying down.

I AM glad they returned everything....before I had the trailer packed, even.

How was your day?


barefoot gardener said...

Lol! Oh, that is SO my life! Glad the little buggers brought back your goodies...

That Janie Girl said...

Well, that's an awesome thing!

Momlady said...


Magpie said...

things are always in the last place you look.

and sometimes in the first, if there are fairies.

HermitJim said...

About damned time the coffee pot showed up!

If you have a coffee pot and a heat source...everything else should fall into place!

Glad you found the goodie box!

Susan said...

freaky deaky

Pearl said...

My day was not as interesting as yours! Love it!
