Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I'm sick today. Woke up before dawn and knew it was going to be...unpleasant.

It's one of those don't-know-which-way-to-turn sicks. I keep a trash can by the toilet for such occasions - that way I don't have to choose what to clean up.



Don't yell at me, though...I have a headache, too.

You know what's nice about being sick today? When I asked Someone if he minded if I stayed in bed a while, he didn't even flinch - he got up, played with the Evil Genius,m even offered to make me tea. he's played checkers (a game he does NOT like) and fielded the unstoppable spate of chatter the lad produces with nary a complaint. And he didn't ask me to make his coffee or fix him something to eat when I got up...and he did dishes!


I may go lie back down again...vertical isn't suiting me right now...

Waaaah. And bleh. And...sweet...


  1. Awww....hope you are feeling better soon. Glad to hear that you have someone who is there to make you feel better in all the important ways :)


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