Monday, January 4, 2010

Better than Disney Land?

And a good time was had by all...


  1. Good exercise for the guy on the bottom!

    Glad all the KIDS had fun...!

  2. And we did at that, Mr. Hermit, Sir!!

    It must DO hurt to be the carrier-Swan, though, don't it look???



  3. So that's what the laughing was all about. I missed it as I was in the kitchen trying to hide.

  4. Someone's a right nutter to put up with my child sitting on his back... Let alone the other FOUR! But his assistance was certainly appreciated.

  5. Too incredibly cute! Does Someone let you ride him and slap his ass while he mops the floor? Ahem, sorry.

  6. Mister Hermit, sir, that it was...but he hardly seems to need it...whew...

    Silly Swan, I wonder who had more fun...the little kids up top or the big one underneath??

    Yep, Mum...that's what some of the hilarity was about...but I appreciate you hiding in the kitchen with the dish fairy...

    Well, Mizz Gypsy, he DID move in to Casa de Crazy...that oughta tell you somethin'...

    Mizz Susan!! Ahem. this is a FAMILY in, my family reads it. If you want dish, you'll just have to come visit.


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