Sunday, September 13, 2009

The New and Ongoing Adventure of Flat Aunt Becky (Part the Third)...*

We checked out some sculptures, and FAB said she knew just how this one felt - every time she thought about going home to her three kids and The Daver (her husband), whom she'd left behind for her journey here to Redneck Central, Georgia.

"Oh, no, I cain't go on..."

She figured she'd need a double shot of vodka when she got back to her now feral family. I offered her permanent residency in my guest room. She's thinking about it.

She said she'd go blind and crazy doing all the bead work on this collar and had mad respect for the woman who made it, yo. She declined to try it on, claiming it was too big for her to pull off.

I thought she would look terrific in one of these hats, but she didn't want to muss her hair.

Poor FAB - all that art was wearing her she took a little cat nap while we ordered lunch from a local restaurant.

She met TBF's partner in crime, The Other Bad Fairy, and they were immediate friends.

Isn't TOBF too freakin' cute??

I showed her one of my favorite displays to play with.

She played a few of them to test their sound. I bet you didn't know FAB can play flute beautifully!

FAB is all about being helpful, so when lunch was ready she offered to help go pick it up.

FAB has a good heart (plus it's all shiny and pink) and bought a couple of chocolate bars to help support the local high school. She doesn't even like chocolate - she shared it with me and Mum.

All she ate for lunch was french fries - I don't know how she keeps her figure!!

Lunch over, she wanted to check her e-mail and look at comments on her blog. I lent her Bob the Wonder Computer.

While she did that, I got busy working on my next project - I punched out leaves for an autumn tree using scraps of paper and a metal punch. I had them raked into a nice little pile on the table. FAB caught sight of it and had to run and jump into the pile.

Because they don't have leaf piles in Chicago.

We tidied up my workspace and left a little while later - FAB was worn slap out and wanted nothing more than a stiff drink and a place to rest her weary head.

I had other plans...
Here ends FAB's day at the GHCA. Stay tuned for more never know where she'll show up next!!

*Thank you to the wonderful women of the GHCA for your laughter and art - I shot more than one-hundred photos of FAB in the gallery, exploring the art and the artists. The women were kind enough to let me interrupt their work, pose with FAB, and allow me to photograph their artwork. I didn't get everyone and everything into these posts because there just wasn't room! If y'all like FAB, I'll bring her back from time to time for more fun and games... Aunt Becky, Thanks for the challenge!


  1. I loved the FAB posts! Ya gotta bring her back sometime soon!

  2. After the hike we took yesterday you are going to have to bring her back.....soon.

  3. Rob, thanks - I plan to bring her back from time to time...she's fun!

    Mum, you know I will...

  4. Y'all make me laugh. Can I thank you enough for that? No.

  5. You and FAB are FAB. I love you both.

  6. If I get past the tears in me Swan Peepers, I'll let ya know just how damned funny and creative it all was! lol!

    Love ya, Lady K!


    [p.s.-- nice shot of bird signing of himself...]

  7. Thanks, Mizz Holly - it's a pleasure!

    Susan,'re fab yourself!

    Swan,'s always a good day when I make someone else cry. Usually it's my singing that does it, though. Love ya too, Sir...

  8. Bwahahaha! My day is SO much better thanks to this! You rule! I'm gonna shout you the heck OUT for this.

  9. Aunt Becky, I'm glad you liked it...heh...

    It's not over...muahahaha...ahem...


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