Saturday, September 12, 2009

The New and Ongoing Adventure of Flat Aunt Becky (Part the Second)... which FAB continues to explore the delights of the GHCA.
Once she'd proven her handywoman chops, FAB was ready to move on to the art. When she saw one artist's beads, she asked if she could play. You know those scenes in Loony Tunes when Daffy Duck sees a treasure and runs up to it, exclaiming "It's mine, mine, all mine, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm a wealthy miser!!" as he rolls around in it??

I had to remind FAB that the artist was actually trying to work with those beads. She grumbled a bit until she caught sight of a third artist reorganizing TBF's CD collection (which is as varied and wonderful as TBF's talents!). FAB had to check out Bonnie Raitt, and wanted to know why I couldn't make her hair look that good. Umm...because I can barely get mine int a pony tail without needing help from the fire brigade??

I decided to distract her with some whimsy. Who doesn't love a giant chicken??

"Someone call the Colonel, let's fry this sucker up!!"

She said she wouldn't walk a mile for a camel...unless it was as sweet as this one:

She realized that I hadn't shown her any of my art yet and wanted to know what I was afraid of. I had to step up to the plate and show her one of my displays. She made herself at home, rummaging through some of the cards I'd hand made and telling me they didn't suck entirely, which I gather is a compliment coming from her.

FAB has some big brass ones - she saw the resident dragon and hopped right on - didn't even need a rope! That FAB sure is spry.

"Hah! I have three kids (two of them boys), seventy dogs, sixteen ferrets and a possum* - you don't scare me!!"

She really dug the little birds made from hickory nuts, and the intricate little boxes...

...but she actually said "Squeeee!!!" when she saw this wee fellow...

She tried to convince me that she needed this bag to live- it matched her boots and Amelia's baby blanket perfectly, and who doesn't want to accessorize their footwear and baby things together?? I told her she might want a smaller bag, but she reminded me how much stuff a mom has to carry when she's out with kids...and I started looking for something bigger, but there weren't any fluffy pink minivans on the rack.

We wandered over to a polymer sculpture display, but rather than get all rowdy she decided to let sleeping dragons lie...

To be continued...

* actual pets may vary


  1. I am digging those two last dragons a bunch! And, she most likely likes them because, while not as flat as she, they are flat on one side.

    Snooty bitch...

  2. Mizz Holly, you're too funny! A friend of mine made those polymer dragons - I love their little faces!

  3. Bwahahahaha! Next time, I am coming in PERSON.

  4. Aunt Becky, give me a little warning so I can stock up the Grey Goose!


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