Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thirteen Things, Continued

What, you actually came back? Guess I better come up with something, then...

Thing the Fourth - rise above the earth once more in a hot air balloon, floating higher and higher until I can see the her curvature below me, drifting along in that peculiar silence that is punctuated only by the sudden roar of dragons overhead, keeping me skyward. I loved my one ballooning trip, despite the back injury that plagues me to this day, and I want more...ballooning, not back injuries...

Fifth - travel my nation's back roads, snapping photographs as I go, showing my son how beautiful it all is, teaching him the history of each place we see, taking our time and living a Gypsy life.

Cinco - this is harder than I thought it would be. I am, it seems, a woman of small dreams. Hmm. Oh, I know! Travel to Ireland, then Scotland and Wales, see where my family came from all those generations ago...see where the old tree is rooted...
More tomorrow...aren't you excited??


  1. How did you hurt your back balooning. I have thought about doing this, may have to rethink things...i have always wanted to go to Belgium to see where my family has come from. Take care, cinner

  2. The balloon ride was awesome. The injury sounds glamorous, doesn't it? Yeah...not so much. I hurt my back climbing out of the basket - it didn't have a gate so I had to go over the side, and my dismount was something less than gainly. Totally worth it, though! Ouch. of chocolates and waffles...uh-oh...just gained an acre on the arse thinkin' about that...


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