Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I'm tired.  Got home Monday from PSG in Illinois, ten days of camping and music and all kinds of drumming and drama.  Lots of laundry, unpacking, and general cleaning to do.  Lots of sewing to do for the next show, which is in two weeks.  No singing this time, just selling and spending time with friends.  No time to write a real blog right now...the sewing, she will not do herself,'s a video of a song that is currently stuck in my head.  What're you up to?


  1. It's a good song... Good for turning up loud to drown out everything else. (Why do I always question myself whether it's drown or drowned?!? You'd think I'd just *know* by this point.)

  2. What I'm up to? Is untangling the odd threads in my head that don't seem to want to cooperate with straightening out.


Tell me about it!