Monday, March 18, 2013

Who Wants Music On Monday?

Because I am tired, it's late, and I'm feeling a little...I dunno...  And because today (I was going to say "tomorrow" but "tomorrow" turned into "today" while I was typing, and does anyone else ever get a little dizzy when dealing with time and tense like that?) I am spending the day with Mum since I have double rehearsals and recording, and weekend work to boot, for the next few weeks so I won't be able to go up and spend they day with her again for almost a month (gah!)...  Here's a piece of music that I enjoyed from a movie that I still enjoy when I can watch it...

What are some of your favorite movie soundtrack gems?


  1. Boy, that's a tough one to answer. I have so many favorites that I can hardly pick just one!

    I'll have to think about that one some more, kiddo!

  2. I love the movie Surf's Up...and my favorite song from the soundtrack is "Stand Tall" by the Dirty Heads. :D

    I love music and so many movies in my opinion have been made great simply by having an awesome soundtrack!

  3. Bella, I was so bummed to learn that the only way I could buy that song from the movie is to buy the entire soundtrack. Not that I don't like the music as a whole, but I can really only afford to buy one song at a time. Dang!

    Shade and Sweetwater,


Tell me about it!