Thursday, September 27, 2012

Physics of Being


According to Physics, I am not here.

I am simply more likely to be here than not here.

You are not here.

You are simply more likely to be here than not here.

No one, nothing, is here.

Only more likely to be than not to be.

Hey, Shakespeare was on to something!

I think I'll go be more likely to be somewhere else for a bit.

If you are here (or there), or simply more likely to be here (or there), I hope wherever you are more likely to be than not to be is pleasant.

If you could manipulate the likelihood of being and placeness, who/where/what would you alter?


  1. I would alter a goodly lot... And, hey, I'm in the process of doing just that very thing. Whaddaya know!

  2. I like it here but there are days when I would rather be elsewhere, like now.

  3. Hmm, I'd alter my weight successfully. I'd be back home closer to Maryland where friends and family reside. I'd be involved with a job that seemed meaningful.

    But, I find that I hang in a space of suspended animation the majority of my life, thinking about stuff instead of living my life in the moment as it comes.

    I think I'm supposed to finally accept the truth of, "No matter where you are, there You are." And, there is no better than here. It's just the way I refuse to see it.


Tell me about it!