Monday, July 18, 2011

Lookie, Lookie!

We had company over the weekend.

No, not these guys...
Handy J and his wife The Divine Mizz M came for a visit. Handy J is a glutton for punishment a nice fellow who wanted to help us with a few projects here at the Vortex of Doom Casa de Crazy, and his wife tagged along because who doesn't want to fall victim to the Evil Genius and his relentles quest for attention and someone to play with??

The Divine Mizz M accompanied Sprout, the Evil Genius and I to a drum circle on Friday. Sprout thought the tambourine shaker was tasty.

Sunday, Mum brought me some shirts that needed altering, and a prezzy:

Got any nice, easy dill pickle recipes??

I made macaroni and cheese tonight. From scratch. I've never done it before. Holy Hannah...the recipe will be up in the next day or so, as soon as I recover...

How was your weekend??


  1. Ahhhhh. Looking good!

    Sprout is so cute!

    I've never made dill pickles or mac and cheese. From scratch, either!

    You're awesome!

  2. Hope J & M remembered the blueberries.


Tell me about it!