Thursday, October 28, 2010


Back in '09 (when the world was new and my knees didn't creak), Someone posted this on his blog. It made me cry...and miss him (he didn't live here, yet)...and wish he was here. I played it until it echoed from the timbers, until I heard it in my sleep, until it whispered through my days...

Sometimes I forget to breathe, so caught up in the moment am I...

When Someone holds me, tucks my head into his shoulder, wraps his arms around me...oh, how I love to breathe him in, his scent, that indescribable something that is HIM. I am comforted. it's the absence of that touch that hurts, when we forget and are caught up in momentary occurrences, anger that will pass because anger cannot be sustained forever...and why would we want it to be?

"Oh I don't want to hurt, there's so much in this world to make me bleed..."


People are...odd. Difficult. Stupid. Just plain mean.

So caught up in their own moments, so caught up in their own hurt...they parcel it out, little bundles of ugliness meant to distress, to bring others into their circle of misery.

Last night, Casa de Crazy was hauled into other people's misery, and we forgot to breathe. This morning, we've found our balance again...we're breathing...

And through it all...we're loving...even when we're in our moments, bound up tight and choking on thoughts, words, hurt...we're loving.


Tell me about it!