Friday, August 13, 2010

Still A Sprout

We went to the neonatologist's today - nothing special, just a regular visit (I have to go because I'm considered high-risk). We were hoping to find out what flavor we're having, but the baby - typical of one of us - was not cooperating, maintaining the absolute worst position is could be in for determining sex. Sigh. The doc said all he could tell us is that there's a baby in there, and it has a perfectly lovely heartbeat...and it weighs five ounces, which can't be right because the scale says I've put on much more than that and clearly I am having Gigantor the Mega Baby. He did say he should be able to see better next month, so we'll just have to wait to find out if it's a bud or a chick pea. Double sigh.

I know I haven't been posting much of late. While I could blame Facebook and its attendant distractions, the truth is I haven't had much writing in me. I've been stressing about the usual things, and the unusual things, and generally not feeling awfully creative. As soon as I win the lottery, I'm sure I'll be back to my old self...only on a new computer (Bob's feeling his age, poor thing) in a motor home, touring the country and making surprise visits to my as-yet-online-only friends (without warning, because why give them time to run??). Meanwhile, the two or three of you (bless your hearts) who still read...thanks for hangin' in there!


  1. Well, shucks. I'll keep voting for you though. Hope you get things figured out.

  2. Knowing ahead of time takes all the fun out of it! Should let it be a surprise all around!

    So, what is the hope around the home place? Boy or girl...?

  3. I'm praying for a little girl. That'll straighten you out!

  4. Thanks, Mum...

    Mister Hermit, sir...we're hoping for a healthy baby with all the right parts in all the right places..beyond that, I shan't speculate.

    Mizz Suzy, what if I like being bent???


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