Monday, May 10, 2010

Small Wonders

I spent the morning inspecting our yard. I've gotten into the habit of checking on all the plants - I love watching them sprout, grow, flower and fruit.

Sometimes, I have to look carefully for signs of growth and change. They amaze me, these growing things.

There's something about the tendrils, so fragile, so determined...

I admire their tenacity.

The peas are shy in the beginning, hiding their first flowers.

A nascent cabbage.

The carrots, feathery and small, are finally coming along. Bird can't wait to pull one up and eat it fresh.

Sometimes I can see the fruit in the flower, hope and promise in a wee blossom.

The dill didn't want to be photographed.

The sage may not be very big, but it's strong...

...and the basil is promising. I am dreaming of fresh pesto and homemade pasta sauce.

We've had some berries from these plants, and there's nothing like 'em. Warm, sweet, succulent - we're already planning to expand the bed next year.

We have a Lima bean flower! I adore Lima beans.

I had never seen a bean flower before today. Pretty...

A pregnant pod...
How does your garden grow?


  1. If the deer didn't get everything I'd have a garden. The strawberries in pots are doing well, though.

  2. Isn't it a treat to look through the flowering plants and find something like a small tomato, or cuke, or anything else that will fall prey to the dinner table?

    Soon I'll be taking a salt shaker to the garden spot with me...just in case!

    It's all looking good, my friend!


Tell me about it!