Friday, December 18, 2009

Whadaya want?

Dear Mom, Dad, Friend, Lover, Family Member, or Anyone Else Who Gives a Damn,

What I'd like as a gift can't be boxed or wrapped.

I'd like your time. Your effort. Your attention.

I'd like to know that you see me, that you hear me, that you know me and care for me. I'd like you to pay attention.

I'd like a few minutes from you that aren't diluted by television, computer, telephone, or other distraction.

I'd like to matter.

If it's not too much to ask....

Your child, grandchild, friend, lover, family member, or random person to whom you feel you must give a gift


  1. I simcerely hope you get your gift, i do not know how many times I could have said these in my life. Keep your chin up. Good luck

  2. I do, I do and you do, you do. I love you xxxxoooo.


Tell me about it!