Monday, December 28, 2009

Geography Lesson

The Evil Genius and Someone have discovered another common interest - maps. Specifically, Atlases. Bird decided he wanted to pore over Someone's Atlas before bedtime last night.

They browsed world maps...

Talked about topographical maps...

Checked out detailed maps of several nations...

And even looked over a map of the sea floor.

Homeschooling - anywhere, any time, there's a lesson to be learned. Sweet.


  1. I'm glad he's learning Geography. Most kids don't and probably couldn't find their own town or city on a map. Some don't even know what state they live in!

  2. Mizz Suzy, he sure is. Sigh...

    Mum, sad, isn't it??

  3. Now all he needs is to learn how to use a compass the right way!

    maybe someone could teach him?


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