Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Minutes and Hours

Someone will be here tonight. He's getting in late, and the Evil Genius and I are picking him up at the airport. The Evil Genius has never been to the airport. Alas, thanks to spoilsports of epic proportions, we won't be able to go watch planes take off and land or wait at the gate - the closest we'll get is baggage claim. Oh, well. He's excited at the prospect anyway. He's also in a tizzy, delighted that he's finally getting to meet Somebody. For several days now, he's told me he can't wait to meet Mr. __. Cute.

My face hurts, I've been grinning so much. Seriously, folks, I'm more excited than a kid at Yule.

The house is almost clean - I've only got Bird's bathroom to do, and the rest is as done as it's getting. I do need to clean out the van, though, unless I plan to cart Someone home on the roof. While he enjoys fresh air, I don't think he'll want it quite like that.

Meanwhile, this day is dragging...and will do until tonight. The minutes will stretch and stretch and drag their feet across time's carpet and refuse to hurry along no matter how I cajole them...and the hours will stampede through, trumpeting their passing as they go. Isn't it funny how that happens? Perception truly is everything.

Well...I guess I'll go do something, even if it's wrong...

What are you waiting for?


  1. I'm waiting for someone to hire me.

    Stop looking at the clock.

  2. Cap'n, I'd hire you but I can only eat so much grilled cheese before the fifty-acre ass returns. I don't usually mind the time...and thankfully, today has gone by swiftly enough...

    Thanks for stopping in!


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