Sunday, October 18, 2009

Give Meme a Break

So much to do...

I have nine days to get my house from a wreck to nice enough for visitors. OK...for one particular visitor, because I'd like it to look a bit less like a barn inhabited by rabid raccoons when Someone is here, ya know??? Also, next weekend I'm taking part in a multi-family yard sale, part of which is to help benefit a young woman who needs help paying legal fees so she can get her children away from an abusive ex-husband and into a healthy environment. So I'm taking the easy way out today and posting another dang meme. Aren't you lucky?

Got it from that Sunday Stealing site, natch.
A B C Meme

A- Advocate for: Freedom. And dust bunny liberation. But mostly freedom.

B- Best Feature: Oh...umm...I don't think I have one...eyes? Hair? Sense of humor? My mad skillz with grilled cheese? Pick something...

C- Could do without: Eighty pounds of extra me.

D- Dreams and desires: Dreams - to publish and sell my writing. Desires - nothing I'm going to publish on a public blog, thanks.

E- Essential items: For what? I mean...for survival, for a day at the beach, for baking cookies? The activity determines the list, people! Hmm...water. Water is essential no matter what. There.

F- Favorite past time: Umm...the Victorian Era certainly seems interesting, as does the western expansion/invasion of the early United States. Or do you think this should be "pastime"? in which case, words - reading, writing, singing and playing with words.

G- Good at: See pastime above.

H- Have never tried: Bungee jumping, hang gliding, or white water rafting...

I- If I had a million dollars: I'd spend it.

J- Junkie for: Candy bars...lately, Twix bars...damn things are going to be the death of me...

K- Kindred spirit: Hmm...I have several...they know who they are.

L- Little known fact: If I told you, it wouldn't be "little known", now would it?

M- Memorable moment: The birth of the Evil Genius. The world trembled.

N- Never again will I: Eat innards.

O- Occasional indulgence: Venti Mocha Frappucino from Starbucks. Or fondue at The Melting Pot. Or a lobster dinner. Or a new book or CD. Going to a movie.

P- Profession: Mum, although no one pays me for that. Writer, ditto. Singer/songwriter...which might make a few bucks here and there - enough to pourchase that drink at Starbucks - in a good year.

Q- Quote: No comment.

R- Reason to smile: Heh. Someone's coming to visit me in ten days.

S- Sorry about: Hurting another.

T- Things you are worrying about right now: Some of the same things most folks find worrisome - paying bills, feeding my family, and shedding weight. The well-being of someone I love. Why my washer and dryer are making funny noises and smells. You know...stuff...

U- Uninterested in: Anger. Blame. Excuses.

V- Very scared of: Failing my son as his mother.

W- Worst habits: Eating, eating, eating. Also? Sometimes I can't shut up...

X- X marks my ideal vacation spot: Oh, I am SO NOT saying what first popped into my head. The ideal vacation spot is the one which I'm sharing with the people I love...geography doesn't matter.

Y- Yummiest dessert: Erm...I make a wicked Key Lime pie...but I adore chocolate mousse...can't make it...but loooove to eat it.

Z- Zodiac sign: Inflate Here.


  1. I have a very simple chockey moose recipe from a French friend of mine. I'll share if you'd like.

    I love coming to see what you're up to...10 days and counting....I can feel yer excitement all the way here!

  2. Just tell yourself Twix are innards...

    Easy right?

    Thank you :)

    Peace - Rene

    Sorry I've been under the radar
    my life is crazy and it's driving me there !


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