Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thirteen Things, the Final Thing

I hear you breathing a sigh of relief...but remember...this is an evolving list, so it could come back to haunt you again some other time! Muahahahahah....ahem...

Lucky Thirteen - I did this list without an eye toward order of importance...but somehow, I feel like this one should be special. Thirteen is lucky for me... So what to put here? Should I go for the improbable? Like...climb Mount Everest? The optimistic? the lottery? It's a list of dreams, right? Well...maybe it's a list of things I am striving toward...and some of the stuff I listed was boring, but easy...and some of it may look unlikely, but I can make it happen if I work hard enough. So...what to put for lucky thirteen? Hmm...

OK...I think I have's not noble, not even very grand...and maybe impossible...but...

Publish. Not self-publish...I mean, convince a publishing house that some of my words, strung together in fanciful ways, are worth investing in, worth the risk...

Yeah...I'll probably swim with the shark first...but a body can dream...
~~~~~ about you? Got a dream or thirteen? Tell me about them...


  1. Wishing you luck with this goal. I think all aspiring writers everywhere share this and can really appreciate where you are coming from.

  2. Sounds like a workable plan to me! I say Go for it!

  3. Hmm, I'm contemplating my list. No particular order: 1) I want to paint again. I mean, really get into it, at least for awhile. No time or space for it, these days. . . 2) Travel overseas again. I'd especially like to take my boys to Scotland, and introduce Sweetcheeks to the land of his middle name. I'd like to see Billy's birthplace and childhood haunts in Germany. I'd love to travel somewhere in the Far East as well- something farther outside my comfort zone. Japan? India? 3) Be a better blogger- both in content and frequency. And, so's I don't clog your comments, I'll quit there. :)

  4. Publish...

    A lofty goal, Lady. A worthy goal.

    And I've read your words... and believe you WILL ACHIEVE VERY SUCCESSFULLY THIS THIRTEENTH, LADY K...

    Best of wishes and luck with it, woman!


Tell me about it!