Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Homeward Bound

I'm just finishing the last bit of packing and tidying up before I hit the road - I decided to go ahead and get an early-ish AM start today since the A/C in Rosie is wonky...that way, if it get too hot in the afternoon, I can always stop with a good day's drive behind me.

I am sad to leave - Texas has been wonderful.

When I get home, I'll have pictures to post (I met another e-quaintance and his cats, and the felines demanded space on my blog), a funny fish story to tell, and a lot of laundry and unpacking to do. Sigh.

Meanwhile, here's a photo from yesterday evening in Galveston:
Thanks, Texas...I'm glad I made the trip.

See y'all tomorrow...


  1. Safe journey, daughter mine.

  2. We here in the big "H" were glad to have you drop by for a visit!

    Here's hoping you have a safe and pleasant journey, my friend!

  3. Glad you enjoyed Texas. Have a safe trip home. I hope it is not too hot,

  4. Thanks, Mum!

    Mister Hermit Sir, it was a signal honor to meet you, and I hope we can spend more time getting to know one another over some coffee the next time (I DO hope there will be a next time...even if I have to cart my carcass out to whatever corner of the desert you decide is home for the nonce).

    Cinner, the ride home was hot, but I managed...mostly, I think, because I was in a sleep-deprived haze. Thanks!


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