Sunday, June 14, 2009


Connected. Joined. In touch.

I've found a place to plug in, sit, and type, connected again to my electronic world.

While it's no bad thing to be disconnected from the Blue Nowhere on occasion, this is not one of the times I relish the distance.

I am connected to my Blue Nowhere, and I am in my annual Summer Community, connected to the land here by time, habit, history, and Song. Last night, I slept deep and well, if not over long - I'm surrounded by morning people (I wish they were connected to my need to sleep late), but I have hopes of naps during the day to sustain me...and if none, worries, I can sleep next week.

The connection to this community is a good one - we all seem to fall into an easy camaraderie, as if a year had not passed between our last meeting and this one. Although the event is a different one, many of the same people are here, so the energy, the feeling, is much the same.

The community supports my connection to it, and to them ,and...and helps me reconnect with my spirit and my Song. So long out of touch, so long distant from my own spiritual source, my spiritual life, I have felt bereft - and now I am recharging. Rites of Spring was a good start, was a new community, a new connection, one I could not lean on, lean into, for strength and support as I can this one. I will, I hope, come home the stronger for having been here.

Here where I sit, I am surrounded by people laughing, enjoying their morning meal, reconnecting with each other. There's a man playing a berimbau at the next table, and the moon is visible in the clear blue sky before me. Trees reach upward, the smell of coffee drifts through the air, and the camp is slowly coming awake, coming to life, connecting to itself and the day.


  1. I smell the coffee. I feel the blue sky above. I relish this peek into your morning. :) So cool to be able to read "live" posts from the gathering!

  2. I like not being connected a little too much of late, but I'm working on reforming that slowly. This was quite a gentle piece to be introduced to you by. It flows with understanding.
    I'm just taking a peek into some new blogs...~Mary

  3. Sounds like a beautiful spot, M'Lady...
    Next year, I'll know it is! ha!
    Glad you have access... Glad we won't be weeks without your beautiful words...

    I look forward to the updates... and hope your performance goes as well-received as I'm sure it will.

    Do keep us folk that have to rigamarole life updated... we're there with you in spirit and soul and heart...

    And mayhap even trying to be an aviator teddy bear...

    Slainte, Lady...


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