Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Lemons. A dozen of them. Round, yellow, pungent.

I rolled them between my hands, waxy/rough in my palms, smelling of summer, of summers past, of promise.

I sliced them, watched as droplets of juice rolled down the cuts, hung on the edge of the peel, caught the light from my kitchen window and refracted it, dropped to my finger.

I tasted the drops, sharp, acidic, biting, fragrant, before twisting the halves to and fro on the hand-reamer, pushing as I went, eager to capture every bit of the liquid.

In my mind I chanted the spell, the formula, the brew, over and over as I squoze, a mantra of sorts, a focus, a song in motion.

Two parts lemon juice, one part sugar, twelve parts water. Two parts lemon juice, one part sugar, twelve parts water. Two parts lemon juice, one part sugar, twelve parts water.

Over and again, something to take my mind from weightier matters, a small, simple thing.

Mix, stir, shake, pour over ice.

I inhaled the scent, mellow and sweet, and took a sip. Spring builds into summer, and I taste it in this drink of sunlight in my glass.


  1. I miss me...er I mean...you...too.

    I don't know about next Monday, as I'm leaving on Tuesday...but I'll be back to our group soon...soon as I find...something...

  2. Ok, as I can no longer stand NOT being a fruit in your abode...

    allow me at least be a knife.. a spoon.. spatula...

    SOME utensil, i PRAY, Lady K...

    even a spork, hybrid as they are...

    Just.. there. in your hand. contributing to tasty dripping sensation...

    C'est Cygnus.. if life were perfect...


Tell me about it!