Friday, January 16, 2009

I Don't Feel like Dancin'...

Well, actually, yeah I do.

I'm not much of a dancer, at least not the indoors sort - I love dancing around a good fire when the drums are low and sultry and there aren't many people around to point and laugh.

Up near Mum's, there's a dance every couple of weeks. I've gone with her a few times, and even hauled my friend S along for giggles. We had great fun last time - S had her arse grabbed by an octogenarian who still has some of his own teeth! It was really kinda funny - we were at the refreshments table and he kept telling us to try the sausage, grinning like a fool. Only when we walked away did S tell me he'd grabbed her arse. I quipped "So he was telling us to try the sausage while he was reaching for the ham!" Heh...juvenile, but it still makes me chuckle.

We're going up to hang with Mum this evening (yep, I'm ditching the family again to go play), go to the dance (S said she'll bring some ham this time...which will make those of us in the know laugh like fiends), and spend the night at the cabin. We have a Saturday AM class at the gallery to make Artist's Trading Cards, like baseball cards but reflecting our art. Basically we'll be playing with scraps, paints, photos, stickers, and whatever else we can dig up from the supply closet. Fun!!

Oh, and yesterday? I top-mounted and framed fourteen photographs of varying sizes and sorted through almost a thousand more to choose another couple of dozen for the show. Thirty-something photos should do the trick, right? I have no idea...but I'm game to learn.

Now I'm off to write bios for me and K (S will write her own) - we need to submit them to the gallery for the website, press releases, and show-notices. Whee! I hate to admit it...but I'm having fun...

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