Monday, November 3, 2008


...Nanonano, nanonano, hey, hey, hey, goodbyyyyyyeee.....


Having more than a little of the daft in me, I am (most unofficially, I assure you) taking part in both National Novel Writing Month and National Blog Posting Month. No, I haven't registered with any website or signed a contract or done whatever one does to be part of the pack - I just decided I would have a go and see what comes.

As far as blogging, well...I post every day, anyway...sometimes two or more I think I can manage that one.

It's the novel that'll get me - I so don't have the time to try least, not the quiet time. I may have to steal some hours from the time I ought to be sleeping.

What person thought these events up, and how do I find them to send anthrax flowers to express my appreciation??

What I'm wondering is, does a photo count as a post? 'Cause if it does, I'm set - I have thousands of them!!

Also, does it count if I'm working on an already started story? I started a new one for the challenge, but I've got one or twelve others hanging out on the hard drive waiting for me to love them again.

Eh, what the hey - I'm not officially part of the game, I can play by my own rules. This should prove...interesting.


  1. You go for it! Sometimes a mnemonic of any sort can serve as an effective motivator...see both (or all 12) through to completion!

  2. Cherl, thanks for the vote of confidence. I will finish them, eventually.

    Umm...yeah, "eventually" being the key word.


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