Wednesday, November 5, 2008

NaNoWriMo Note

Micheal Crichton died today.

Well, dang. I kinda dug his work.


  1. Geeeeez, I was clueless about this.

    I kinda dug his work as well....just wished he would've included more pictures in his books :)

  2. Slick, welcome! Dude, your blog is hysterical.

    Meanwhile, thanks for stopping by, and as for pictures, well...that's why he had 'em made into movies, so illiterate rednecks wouldn't have to burn out brain cells reading them. ;-)

  3. Oh, yeah...good luck with your thirty days. I'm sure you can make up the one you know, twice in one day or something.

  4. Are you doing NaNoWriMO? I was closer this year than any year, but alas, I'm still "not ready."

  5. That I did not know. I dug his work too. He was like Stephen King with a PHD.

  6. Charlie, I am unofficially doing it - I challenged myself and am trying to do both NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo at once. The blog one is easier. My WriMo project is coming along at a painfully slow rate, but tomorrow night is the one night a week I can usually get in some good writing time (several hours without interruption) and if the gods smile upon me I'll do three to four thousand words. Maybe not on one story, but who's counting??

    Writer Dad, he had cancer and finally succumbed to it. Sigh. Stephen King with a PHD...I like that...

  7. I know, it's such a bummer.


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