Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Worn Slap Out

We went to the Elachee Nature Center after my last post and spent almost five hours hiking over five miles of trails - up hills, down hills, over and through creeks and deadfalls - and whew, I'm worn slap out.

Along the way, The Evil Genius learned about truth versus tact (one doesn't tell a stranger s/he is fat, for example)(yes, yes he did), about why we always bring an extra grocery bag so we can pick up other people's trash (really, can anyone claim ignorance about the biodegradability of plastic any more?), why we always bring water and snacks along, even if the trail is short (the bag I brought in was significantly lighter when we walked out), and why we don't leave the trail for "short cuts". We also saw frogs, millipedes, beetles, and plant life galore. Photos tomorrow (if they turned out - I was shooting blind, half the time) and probably for months to come- I not only filled the camera's memory card, I filled the internal memory, too...and that was just past halfway along our trail. G'n...sknnnxxxxxxx.......


  1. Hey we did this Memorial Day Weekend! This is what I call quality time. Oh yeah, Smiley Face got reprimanded by The Family Genius while we were on the trail because Smiley Face decided to be rude to a person passing by. I love it when they actually discipline each other.

  2. Sounds like it was nice, even if it was exhausting. It has been so long since I have been on a nature hike - it sounds amazing!


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