Monday, April 13, 2020


Poor Sam is miserable.  Thousands of can’t-really-afford-them dollars in tests and medication and she’s still stuck in the cone, still trying to scratch herself bloody...and sometimes succeeding.  My heart aches.

I bought stamps.  The USPS is, in my opinion, vital.  I could expand on that thought, but I’ll spare you.  The moon landing stamps are purty!  They have lots of nifty designs, just in case you need to know that.

Today was errands day.  It was a little windy.
Storms rolled through last night.  I was asleep.  I’m told they were impressive.

I’ve been sewing masks.  Nothing fancy and I’m slow at it, but it gives me something to do.  I’m giving them away.  Like I said, it gives me something to do.  
How’re you doing?